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If you just copy the PSX text then you're still suffering a poor translation, though. They also have individuals who might be able to be recruited. Marurun wrote: also has lots of information on hacking/translating. That being said, does anybody know where I can find some tutorials on Saturn coding? I'm willing to learn. If I knew anything about Saturn coding, I would start the project in an instant!īut, since I don't, that's probably not a fair thing to say. Bhayam Bhayam Serial In Gemini Tv Episodes on this page. You wouldn't need a translator probably only one or two programmers could do it alone.

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I agree that it would be a lot of work, but it would be a lot easier to take the PSX version's text and put it into the Saturn's version. Captured from an actual SEGA Saturn console. The ending to Grandia on the SEGA Saturn with English subtitles, at least they're coming if you happen to watch this before they're up. I know there is a US Version for Grandia on the Playstation but that's not the same as playing it on the Saturn, which gives the gorgeous 3D graphics quite a different note. Complete list of Saturn RPGs playable in English (self.SegaSaturn) submitted 2 years ago by Pogogacy Appologies for the wall of text reddit won't allow me.